30-Man Royal Rumble winner
This was a tough one. Part of me thinks that MVP is going to win, but it's just too our of control to think that so My vote is going for

Randy Orton
ECW Champion Jack Swagger vs Matt Hardy
I am a HUGE Matt Hardy fan, but it just isn't logical for Matt Hardy which is why my vote is for

The All American American
Jack Swagger
Cena vs JBL
I'm gonna have to go for JBL on this one, thus leading up to a Shawn Michaels/JBL Wrestlemania match for the championship.
Beth Phoenix vs Melina
Who cares

Jeff Hardy vs Edge
There's going to be the not-so-shocking return of Christian, Edge is going to win and have a short feud with Edge saying that he took out Hardy not to help Edge, but so He could get his hands on Edge and take his title.... It may seem a little far fetched, so that's why I said it.
Now that's that but we have a little bit more. To make it a little bit more interesting we have added two more categories to the Roayl Rumble predictions.
The first two in the Rumble will be...
The final 4 will be...
The first two in the Rumble should be believed to put on the best show, and get the best pop for 2 minutes so I'm gonna go for the 2 time Slammy Award winning Miz and Morrison as the first two entrants.
The final 4 will be the 4 competitors getting the biggest push at the moment so my pick for the final 4 will be
Randy Orton
Chris Jericho
Triple H
MVP (it's about time for his push, this is going to be the beginning)
I also predict... off the records... that Umaga returns at the Royal Rumble.
Good Luck Ropes.
Thanks, Slamsie.
Royal Rumble Match
I have to tell you, I have no freakin' clue who is gonna win the Royal Rumble. My gut instinct screams Triple H but part of me wants it not to be him because he has fought for a world title at Wrestlemania seven times. I also thought HHH would win last year, but no one saw Cena coming. Therefore, I'm going to say that Shawn Michaels is going to be a surprise entrant and win the whole damn thing.
Edge vs. WWE Champion Jeff Hardy for the WWE Championship
With Hardy being dumped on so much lately, I'm gonna say that he wins it and loses the title at No Way Out. I think his attacker will strike again, though, but won't be revealed until No Way Out as well.
JBL w/ Shawn Michaels vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Cena for the World Heavyweight Championship
I think JBL is going to win this one so that we'll see Cena vs. Michaels vs. JBL at Wrestlemania.
Melina vs. Women's Champion Beth Phoenix for the Women's Championship
As much as this pains me to say, I think we are in for Phoenix defending the title against Double K at Wrestlemania, so sorry, Melina.
Matt Hardy vs. ECW Champion Matt Swagger for the ECW Championship
It will only be a Hardy Pardy for Jeff. I'm hoping that Matt is the stalker of his younger brother, but with the Christian rumors circulating, there is a lot of room for doubt.
I accept that all of my picks are probably wrong and that I will have to eat cow testicles as a result of a poorly designed bet that was created during 2fers at Applebee's. God damn impaired judgment.