Tournaments in wrestling has always been a favorite of mine. Since the Wrestlemania IV tourney when Macho Man Randy Savage won the Championship gold, to all of the King of the Rings, even to the ROH tourney that me and Ropes had the pleasure of seeing live this past year where Kevin Steen won the #1 contender spot for the World title. I'm very interested to see how THIS one is going to pan out. I'm going to start by first giving a little opinion of each wrestler left in the tournament.

Rey Rey Mysterio...... Mysterio. This man really personifies what an Intercontinental Champion should be. He's athletic, exciting to watch, and puts it all on the line every time. You know that he would be a fighting champion, and not just a paper champion. AND the Intercontinental Championship Title is one of the only ones that he hasn't held yet. All he needs to work on is his promo chops a little bit, but I think it would be great to see the title around his waist. He is sure to put on an epic showing for the remainder of his time in this tournament. Now, does that mean that I think that he will win the tournament, and ultimately win the championship? Just keep reading to find out what my predictions are.

John Morrison... wait...
<---- Wrong John Morrison. (I found this while Google Image searching for John Morrison)

Here he is, Former ECW Champion... Former Tag Team Champion... Former Intercontinental Champion...The Shaman of Sexy, the Palace of Wisdom guy, the chick magnet... wait that's his tag partner The Miz. I firmly believe that John Morrison has the most potential to make a great champion out of all of these competitors. He's charismatic, he's athletic as heck, and he's innovative. He's also the type of guy that can cheat to win, but doesn't always do so, which garners a little bit more respect. He is the next Shawn Michaels, and those aren't small shoes to fill. After their short feud with DX, he really showed how he could be the next Shawn Michaels, specifically by stealing his move Sweet Chin Music. I would love to see this guy win the Championship and regain the Intercontinental Championship. However, it would leave his protege The Miz left in the dust. The Miz may have what it takes, but not yet, and under the tutelage of Nitro, The Miz can be a contender. Is the WWE really ready to give up on the Miz yet?

Ladies and Gentlemen it's time for.........................
Tony Slammetie's Intercontinental # 1Contender Tournament Prediction!

I'm Tony Slammetie, and keep on Rollin'
And now for an intelligent point of view, it’s ROPES!
The WWE is trying to add some weight to the Intercontinental title with the new Intercontinental title DVD and this Intercontinental title tournament (I think the Honk-o-Meter helped a bit, too- no joke). Good for WWE. The IC title has had an uneven history as the #2 title in the company. Remember when Albert and The Godfather were IC champions? I rest my case.
The glory that goes along with being IC champion will never be the same as when a man like Randy Savage held the title, but the WWE is trying to do the best it can to make the IC title a title worth having. William Regal is a great choice as champion because he is a great wrestler and he is a badass. Having a tournament to decide who can fight for the title gives the idea that it’s a title that’s incredibly desired by the WWE roster (or at least Raw’s roster).
C.M. Punk and Rey Mysterio will fight in the finals of the tournament with Punk coming out on top. I think seniority is the key with the Kingston-Mysterio match, and since Rey is more senior, he will win. Punk and Morrison will be a nice callback to their 2007 feud, with Punk coming out on top because…
The prospect of Punk winning brings about a conundrum of sorts. When he does face William Regal, Regal will retain the belt. I can see fans thinking to themselves “What the heck was the point of the tournament if the winner of the tournament didn’t win the belt?” That’s a good question, especially since I thought of it. For one thing, Regal should have a nice long title reign. The guy might never be world champion, but he can certainly play a good supporting role to the world champion. Regal needs a win over Punk more than Punk needs a win over Regal.
So if Punk loses to Regal, what direction will Punk’s character go in? Punk and Kingston are going to lose the tag team titles and Punk is going to go heel, which I think Punk’s character needs or else he will become a stale face.
While you’re waiting to see who wins, though, I suggest you go to YouTube and look up some great IC matches from back in the day, including Savage vs. Steamboat, Perfect vs. Hart, Michaels vs. Ramon, and Jarrett vs. D-Lo Brown…..on second thought, forget that last one.
The WWE is trying to add some weight to the Intercontinental title with the new Intercontinental title DVD and this Intercontinental title tournament (I think the Honk-o-Meter helped a bit, too- no joke). Good for WWE. The IC title has had an uneven history as the #2 title in the company. Remember when Albert and The Godfather were IC champions? I rest my case.
The glory that goes along with being IC champion will never be the same as when a man like Randy Savage held the title, but the WWE is trying to do the best it can to make the IC title a title worth having. William Regal is a great choice as champion because he is a great wrestler and he is a badass. Having a tournament to decide who can fight for the title gives the idea that it’s a title that’s incredibly desired by the WWE roster (or at least Raw’s roster).
C.M. Punk and Rey Mysterio will fight in the finals of the tournament with Punk coming out on top. I think seniority is the key with the Kingston-Mysterio match, and since Rey is more senior, he will win. Punk and Morrison will be a nice callback to their 2007 feud, with Punk coming out on top because…
The prospect of Punk winning brings about a conundrum of sorts. When he does face William Regal, Regal will retain the belt. I can see fans thinking to themselves “What the heck was the point of the tournament if the winner of the tournament didn’t win the belt?” That’s a good question, especially since I thought of it. For one thing, Regal should have a nice long title reign. The guy might never be world champion, but he can certainly play a good supporting role to the world champion. Regal needs a win over Punk more than Punk needs a win over Regal.
So if Punk loses to Regal, what direction will Punk’s character go in? Punk and Kingston are going to lose the tag team titles and Punk is going to go heel, which I think Punk’s character needs or else he will become a stale face.
While you’re waiting to see who wins, though, I suggest you go to YouTube and look up some great IC matches from back in the day, including Savage vs. Steamboat, Perfect vs. Hart, Michaels vs. Ramon, and Jarrett vs. D-Lo Brown…..on second thought, forget that last one.
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